Retic Server
It is a process that provides XMLRPC services to
launch adaptors.
It can be fully controlled remotely by Retic
Administrator (except stop/start).
The server also has a scheduler,
that permits to schedule one time adaptor runs and recurrent runs.
The server also has the ability to run adaptors,
whose definition is sent on JMS queues (or topics). You can define
as many listeners as you wish (that permits to limit the CPU/memory
If started with the JMS options, the server will take each message
on it, and try to process them as if they were adaptor files (XML
definition of the adaptors).
Finally, the server can be connected as a user of
a Jabber server. Jabber can than be used to communicate with the
server, to track adaptors execution and access logs. It is also
a way to check if the server is down (if the server's user is
connected or not).
First edit the retic.conf file and change (if necessary) the value to point it to your java executable.
Depending on your java installation, you might need to change the values.
Also adapt to your needs.
Program options (detailed further on this page) must be given has using incremental numbers (,, etc...). Make sure no number is missing or some parameters will be ignored (don't step from parameter.3 to parameter.5 for example).
Then :
Under Linux/Unix, run the following command : retic start
The trace will then be logged in the wrapper.log file and retic will be running in background.
If you want to run it in console use : retic console
Under Windows, run retic.bat
More configuration tips can be found at Tanuki software wrapper's site.
Here are the options :
-p or --port : port of the XMLRPC listener (default port
is 8080)
-s or --jabsrv : Jabber server to connect to
-u or --jabuser : User of the Retic server to connect the
Jabber server
-P or --jabpass : Password of the Retic server to connect
the Jabber server
-j or --jmsServers : How many JMS listeners to start
-f or --jmsJndiFactory : JNDI Factory
-F or --jmsFactory : JMS Factory
-q or --queueName : Queue or Topic name
-r or --providerUrl : JMS Provider URL
-U or --username : JMS username
-a or --password : Password of JMS user
-S or --selector : JMS Selector (topic mode only)
-m or --mode : Mode of JMS Server (queue or topic)