The file source component gets data from the local
file system.
The http source component gets data via an HTTP
GET (POST isn't yet supported).
HTTPSource can have extra parameters :
<source name="source1" type="HTTPSource"
polls="3" pollPeriod="5" URL="http://localhost/test.cgi"
+++++ +++++<param name="param1"
+++++ +++++<param name="param2"
+++++ +++++<param name="param3"
+++++ +++++<param name="param4"
+++++ +++++<param name="param1"
+++++ +++++<param name="param2"
+++++ +++++<param name="param3"
+++++ +++++<param name="param4"
Here, the source will be called as many times per poll than
there are params tag. With the example above, at each poll,
the following URLs will be called :
+++++ +++++http://localhost/test.cgi?param1=foo1¶m2=foo2¶m3=foo3¶m4=foo4
+++++ +++++and
+++++ +++++http://localhost/test.cgi?param1=bogus1¶m2=bogus2¶m3=bogus3¶m4=bogus4
The result of the second call will be appended to the one of
the first call.
The SQLSource component outputs the result of
a SQL Statement in XML or into a flat-delimited format.
Parameters :
type |
SQLSource |
SQL Statement to be executed at process
stage and mapped to its XML representation |
commitSQL |
SQL Statement to be executed after each
message has been processed correctly.
Let's consider you want to delete from the source table
each extracted record. The commitSQL statement owuld look
like the following :
DELETE FROM table WHERE id_record = $id_record
This requires the field "id_record" to be extracted
by the SQL Statement (the process one).
Each field preceded by a $ will be mapped to the value
extracted by the SQL Statement (as in the SQLSink component). |
nbThreads |
Number of threads that execute commitSQL
statements in parallel |
dbType |
The JDBC driver of your database (for example : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) |
dsn |
The JDBC URL (for ex : jdbc:mysql://localhost/xpweb3) |
user |
Login to connect to db |
password |
Password to connect to db |
rootTag |
As the name says, name of the root tag of the output
XML document |
recTag |
Name of the tag that embraces the records in the output
XML document |
encoding |
Encoding of the output XML file |
msgSize |
Number of records to put in each out document (the source
will generate as many documents as necessary, which are
processed one by one by the following sinks/pipes). Put
0 if you only want all records to be sent into the message. |
outputFormat |
"xml" or "flat" |
delimiter |
Ascii code of the character that will be used to separate
fields (default is 59 which corresponds to ;) |
newlineChar |
Ascii code of the character that will be used to separate
records (default is 10 which corresponds to a carriage
return) |
header |
"y" or "n"
Useful only if output format is "flat". If "y"
is selected, a first line will be created in the file
with the name of the different fields (uses the delimiter
and newlineChar defined earlier) |
For example the following config :
<source name="SQLSource" type="SQLSource"
polls="1" pollPeriod="10" SQL="SELECT
field1,field2,field3,field4,field5 from reference.service"
dbType="odbc" dsn="teradata_4700" user="user"
password="pass" rootTag="racine" recTag="rec"
encoding="UTF-8" msgSize="200" outputFormat="xml">
Will give the following output :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
+++++ +++++<field1>value1</field1>
+++++ +++++<field2>value2</field2>
+++++ +++++<field3>value3</field3>
+++++ +++++<field4>value4</field4>
+++++ +++++<field5>value5</field5>
+++++ +++++<field1>value6</field1>
+++++ +++++<field2>value7</field2>
+++++ +++++<field3>value8</field3>
+++++ +++++<field4>value9</field4>
+++++ +++++<field5>value10</field5>
+++++ +++++<field1>value11</field1>
+++++ +++++...
+++++ +++++...
This is an unusual component... Sometimes (well, might even
be more than that) you need to get more than a bunch of rows
from a table translated to XML. You need a whole structured
XML document with a complex and deep architecture. The SQLTreeSource
is what you need then. It permits to describe an XML tree, each
node being the result of an SQL statement.
Here's an example :
<source name="SQLTreeSource" type="SQLTreeSource"
dbType="odbc" dsn="localhost_mysql" user="root"
password="" rootTag="XPWeb" encoding="ISO-8859-1"
msgSize="0" polls="1" pollPeriod="0">
<query SQL="select
* from iterations" recTag="iteration">
+<query SQL="select
* from stories" parentLink="iteration_id = $id$" recTag="story">
+++<query SQL="select
* from tasks" parentLink="story_id = $id$ and iteration_id = $iteration_id$" recTag="task"/>
Here is the XML output of the source described above :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
en recette Valo
de tests unitaires</name>
d'un environnement de tests unitaires et de non-régression.</description>
de création des données (TERA)</name>
des scripts de création de base</description>
$U - Session et Uprocs</name>
des sessions et uprocs propres aux tests.</description>
This is an extraction of my XPWeb database (THE Extreme Programming
management tool -
). Three tables are accessed here : iterations, stories and
Iterations may have several stories, which may have several
tasks. What I wanted here is to extract all my iterations with
their stories and tasks into a single XML document.
++++ <query
SQL="select * from iterations" recTag="iteration">
This permits to get all iterations at the second level (the
first being the root one whose name is defined in the rootTag
attribute of the source component) of the document. Each iteration
will be written to XML, embraced by an <iteration> tag
Providing a new subquery this way :
++++<query SQL="select
* from iterations" recTag="iteration">
++++ ++++<query
SQL="select * from stories" parentLink="iteration_id = $id$" recTag="story"/>
Permits to define a new sublevel under iteration, writing the
stories inside <story> tags.
parentLink permits to assign the stories to their
iteration (we don't want all stories to be repeated under each
iteration). Here, we make a link between the fields :
and stories.iteration_id
At runtime, if parentLink contains an expression that is surrounded by $, it is replaced by the value of the corresponding field of the parent query result.
At execution time, the SQL statement is modified to include
the link.
(for example : select * from stories where iteration_id = 4)
Now, let's add a subquery to stories :
+<query SQL="select
* from iterations" recTag="iteration">
SQL="select * from stories" parentLink="iteration_id = $id$" recTag="story">
+++ <query
SQL="select * from tasks" parentLink="story_id = $id$ and iteration_id = $iteration_id$" recTag="task"/>
Here, we've added a new sublevel, which will come under stories.
It will write all tasks for each stories (with a link between and tasks.story_id).
Simple, isn't it ?
Parameters :
type |
SQLTreeSource |
dbType |
The JDBC driver of your database (for example : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) |
dsn |
The JDBC URL (for ex : jdbc:mysql://localhost/xpweb3) |
db |
database name (not used in JyRetic) |
user |
Login to connect to db |
password |
Password to connect to db |
rootTag |
As the name says, name of the root tag of the output XML
document |
encoding |
Encoding of the output XML file (ex : UTF-8) |
msgSize |
Number of records of the root query (iteration in the
example above) to put in each out document (the source will
generate as many documents as necessary, which are processed
one by one by the following sinks/pipes).
Put 0 if you only want one message (with all the records)
to be generated by each poll. |
Similar to the SQLTreeSource component except that each query
can be executed on a different RDBMS.
Your output XML document is then composed of data retrieved
in different database servers.
Thus, each <query> tag has the following attributes (which
aren't anymore on the <source> tag) :
dbType |
The JDBC driver of your database (for example
: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) |
dsn |
The JDBC URL (for ex : jdbc:mysql://localhost/xpweb3) |
db |
useless... |
user |
Login to connect to db |
password |
Password to connect to db |
xmlBlaster is an open source MOM.
For more information about it, see
This component uses pyBlaster (included and ready
to use in the release) to permit the use of the synchronous
get access method to xmlBlaster. Messages are deleted from the
Topic at commit phase, after full processing.
Here is what it must look like in the XML config
file :
<source name="xmlBlasterSource"
type="xmlBlasterSource" url=""
user="adi2" password="pass" polls="1"
pollPeriod="0" >
++++ ++++<param
name="key" value="<key oid='' queryType='XPATH'>/xmlBlaster/key[starts-with(@oid,'xml')]</key>"
++++ ++++<param
name="qos" value="<qos></qos>"
The params permit to define the key to search for message and
the qos (Quality Of Service).
It is important to replace < by < and > by >
in the key and qos values in order to have a well-formed XML
file when you write your adaptor by hand ( Retic designer handles
the replacement so when using it, feel free to write regular
tags : <key... ).
Parameters :
type |
xmlBlasterSource |
user |
Login to connect to xmlBlaster server |
password |
Password to connect to xmlBlaster server |
url |
url of the XMLRPC listener of the xmlBlaster server |