
SQLPostproc | reticPostproc | XindiceIndexPostproc | JabberPostproc | SMTPPostproc


Postprocessors are components that execute only once after adaptor execution, when all polls are terminated.
Unlike sources, pipes and sinks, they carry no message, but they do carry metadatas.

Postprocessors all must have the exitOnError attribute ('y' or 'n'). It indicates if error in postproc causes erroneous exit of the adaptor.


Parameters :

type SQLPreproc
SQL SQL Statement to be executed.

The JDBC driver of your database (for example : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)

dsn The JDBC URL (for ex : jdbc:mysql://localhost/xpweb3)
user Login to connect to db
password Password to connect to db



This postprocessors launches an adaptor on a retic server.

Parameters :

type reticPostproc
adaptorName Filename of the adaptor definition (must be stored in the "adaptors" subdirectory of the target server - Retic administrator can upload adaptors on remote servers).
paramsName Filename of the parameters file (must be stored in the "parameters" subdirectory of the target server - Retic administrator can upload parameters files on remote servers).
serverUrl Url of the Retic server where the adaptor must be executed (ex : http://localhost:8080)



Create or drop an index on an Xindice collection.

Parameters :

type XindiceIndexPreproc
action "Create index" or "Drop index"
db Name of the collection where to index (or where index must be dropped)
indexName Name of the index to create/drop
indexPattern Pattern of the index (see Xindice doc)
indexType Type of the index (short, int, ... - See Xindice doc)
url Url of the Xindice server (ex : xmldb:xindice://localhost:4080/db)



Sends a message to a user using the Jabber protocol

Parameters :

type XindiceIndexPreproc
server Jabber server to connect to
user User that will be used to send the message
password Password of the above user
destUser Recipient of the message
text Content of the message to send



Sends a mail containing provided text.

Parameters :

type XindiceIndexPreproc
SMTPServer SMTP server to connect to
SMTPPort Port to connect the SMTP server (25 is used if empty)
SMTPUser User to connect to the SMTP server (optional - Only plain authentication is supported)
SMTPPass Password of the above user
from Sender's address
to Primary recipients addresses
cc Secondary recipients addresses
subject Subject of the mail
text Content of the mail