Parameter Files
Parameter files are used in combination with
adaptors in which are defined variable parts.
Variable parts look like this : %paramName%
At execution time, each parameter is replaced by its value,
given in the parameter file.
For example, here's an adaptor with variable
parts :
<?xml version="1.0"
<source name="HausseTarifaire" type="SQLTreeSource"
msgSize="1" dbType="odbc" polls="1"
db="/" dsn="teradata_4700" exitOnError="n"
user="alexander" password="majojo" encoding="UTF-8"
pollPeriod="0" rootTag="EDITION_HAUSSE">
<treeQuery >
<query name="CLIENT" type="query" recTag="CLIENT"
childLink="" SQL="lock dev_facture.contrat_fdp
for access select * from dev_facture.contrat_fdp where rang
between %rang_min% and %rang_max%"
<query name="COORD" type="query" recTag="COORD"
childLink="c.id_contrat" SQL="select a.* from
histo_horus.contrat c, histo_horus.adresse a where a.id_adresse
= c.id_adresse_facturation" parentLink="id_contrat"/>
<sink name="SaveToBigFile" type="fileSink"
writeMethod="append" fileType="xml" fileName="BigHausseTar%numero_topic%.xml"
<sink name="xmlBlasterSink" type="xmlBlasterSink"
qos="<qos></qos>" url=""
user="ADI" key="<key oid=''><hausseTarifaire>%numero_topic%</hausseTarifaire></key>
" password="pass"/>
<logger name="FileHandler14" type="logger"
format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s" level="INFO"
handler="FileHandler" mode="a"/>
Here is an example of parameter file that would
fit with it :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
If the adaptor is launched with this parameter
file, each occurence of %filePath% will be replaced by "e:\ADI"
(as found in the parameter file), each occurence of %numero_topic%
will be replaced by "1", and so on for rang_min
and rang_max...
Retic administrator
has the ability to create/modify parameter files.